ETL Law Review
European Transport Law (ETL) publishes articles, cases and case notes on transport law and transport insurance law, mainly from courts throughout Europe.
It is a unique feature of ETL to provide all case law published with summaries in English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch, thereby opening up national case law in local language to academics and practitioners around the globe.

How to subscribe to ETL?
Click on the subscription button below, complete your details on the subscription page and send the completed form to us.
What’s the price of a subscription to ETL?
Subscribers living in Belgium (excl. 6% VAT):
– Online or Print: € 200,00
– Online and print: € 220,00
Subscribers living in Europe:
– Online or Print: € 235,00
– Online and print: € 255,00
Subscribers living in the rest of the world:
– Online or Print: € 250,00
– Online and print€ 270,00
All prices are excl. VAT.
What are the working languages of ETL?
All cases regardless of their original language, are accompanied by summaries in each of the following languages: English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch. Articles and case annotations are mostly published in English and French. Sometimes also in German or Dutch language.
How to get my article or case law annotation published in ETL?
Any proposed contributions in the area of transport law and transport insurance are welcome on Each article will be reviewed by the ETL editorial board and you will be advised whether your contribution qualifies for publication. Although we tend to be flexible at ETL, contributors may be guided by the following rules of thumb. Articles and annotations are to be submitted in Word. In terms of length, articles range between 30 and 50 pages but by no means this has to be seen as a limitation. Lengthier articles may be published in 2 parts in two consecutive issues of ETL. Contributions to ETL are subject to peer review.
I have interesting case law to share. Does it qualify for publication in ETL?
Any court or arbitration decisions with relevance for transport law and transport insurance are welcome on . It will be reviewed by the ETL editorial board and, if it qualifies for publication, the ETL editorial team will arrange for summaries in English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch.
How to order old issues of ETL as from 1965?
Send an enquiry per e-mail to .. The ETL secretariate will check whether the issue in question is still available. The order of a series of older issues may qualify for a special price offer.
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